Becoming Whole – Diversity From The Inside Out

An article by Marianne Hill – Healing The Shadow Practitioner and Trainer

In this article I explore the idea that diversity is, at core, about more than just accepting and welcoming ’other’. It is, first and foremost, about accepting and welcoming parts of ourselves – parts that we haven’t yet had a chance to meet.

Before discussing diversity in depth I am going to introduce you to a belief that has influenced me for a long time now and underpins all the work that I do. I ask that you bear with me for a while as I take you through my own personal journey to arriving at this understanding – via shamanism, mysticism, quantum physics, group dynamics and the other varied influences that have informed this belief.

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Maybe it’s just my imagination….

An article by Marianne Hill – Healing The Shadow Practitioner and Trainer

How do I know what I’m feeling?

Although many of us are unaware of the process, there is a wealth of evidence available which suggests that our whole bodies themselves are sense organs which communicate with us, often on an unconscious level, and inform us about our feelings. Continue Reading