Shadow Work Practitioner and Trainer
Marianne Hill is founder and director of Healing The Shadow an organisation that runs a two year practitioner training in shadow work. Marianne works with individual clients and facilitates group workshops, as well as running the two year Practitioner Training.
Marianne also works with couples and family members and is passionate about creating authentic, vibrant and healing relationships. She has developed the powerful Five Fields Framework which supports people to communicate fully, respectfully and authentically in a way that deepens relationships and connection and finds ways forward that are growthful and healing for both parties. From this evolved the Restoring Connection Process, which is used with couples and within communities and organisations.
All the articles on this site have been written by Marianne over the last ten years, and cover a wide variety of topics relating to the shadow, archetypal psychology and authentic communication. Please scroll through the list of posts on the right hand side of the page to find a topic that interests you.
For more information about Marianne’s work or to book a session or workshop please visit
For information about the Two Year Practitioner Training please visit
To find out more about the work that Marianne teaches and practices you can order her new book about shadow work by clicking the image below.