Examining our Fears and Fantasies

An article by Marianne Hill – Founder and Director of Healing The Shadow

This is the last in a series of five posts about communication. When I teach communication I use the 5 Fields authentic communication framework which requires 5 different aspects to be communicated. These are:

Facts What actually happened

Fears and Fantasies What we imagine or believe about what happened

Feelings How we feel about what happened

Fortress What is not ok for us. Where we need to protect ourselves

Forward From Here What we want from the other person in the future Continue Reading

Communicating our Vulnerability with Dignity.

An article by Marianne Hill – Healing The Shadow Practitioner and Trainer

In the last article we explore the first two parts of the 5 Fields Authentic Communication framework – ‘Facts’ and ‘Fears and Fantasies’. You may want to take a look at this before you read on…


In this article we are going to explore sections 3 and 5 of the model: ‘Feelings’ and ‘Forward From Here’.

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How can we communicate with authenticity and depth?

An article by Marianne Hill – Founder and director of Healing the Shadow

There are certain situations in our life that call for us to dig deep and talk about what is really important to us. When the stakes are high it is important that we communicate effectively, if we are misunderstood in these important moments it can cause much pain and confusion. When we wish to build trust in a relationship, or when we want to be sure we are really heard, things go much better if we can communicate what we want to say fully and authentically. In reality this is no small thing to achieve and it requires both courage and vulnerability. Continue Reading