Communicating Without Arguing.

An article by Marianne Hill – Healing The Shadow Practitoner and Trainer.

In order to communicate fully with another person it is important that we are able to express what is going on for us honestly. However, this can often lead to an ‘argument’, with our thoughts and feelings being denied by the other as they respond with pain and a desire to justify or excuse themselves. Continue Reading

How can we communicate with authenticity and depth?

An article by Marianne Hill – Founder and director of Healing the Shadow

There are certain situations in our life that call for us to dig deep and talk about what is really important to us. When the stakes are high it is important that we communicate effectively, if we are misunderstood in these important moments it can cause much pain and confusion. When we wish to build trust in a relationship, or when we want to be sure we are really heard, things go much better if we can communicate what we want to say fully and authentically. In reality this is no small thing to achieve and it requires both courage and vulnerability. Continue Reading

Why we may experience constant or unremitting Fear.

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There are some situations which require us to be constantly alert and ready to take action to protect ourselves because our life depends on it. However, many people experience almost constant fear and anxiety even though they are aware that there is no immediate threat to their life or their physical wellbeing, they are aware that others would not feel such fear if placed in similar situations. This blog explores one possible source of such anxieties. Continue Reading

What is the point of sadness?

Sadness is something many of us try to avoid feeling. However, as with all the pure emotions, we believe it plays an important role in life. The purpose of sadness is to help us release the pain of our loss so that we are free to find new connections and to risk love again. After identifying our loss and allowing our grief  to flow we are free to find a joyful or more meaningful way of remembering, and with time to move forward in our life to form fresh connections.

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Leading and following – listening and speaking.

995844_583459828415490_1933985394_nIn our last blog we wrote about the importance of finding sufficient support if you are in a leadership role – whether that be the leading of others, or leading yourself forward in your life. We need to take in as much as we give out if we are to lead effectively and sustainably. In the same way that it is necessary to have vision and passion to be a good leader, receiving support is utterly essential. They are two sides of the same coin.

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In this blog we speak about leadership – both of ourselves and of others. As we move past January 31st, the start of the Chinese New Year we move in to the ‘Year of the Green Horse’. For the Chinese the Green Horse represents Leadership. The horse is green to speak of Plant energy, which in Chinese Medicine represents growth, strength, movement and power, along with cooperation, flexibility and humour. 1013754_690006337717348_1898603511_nThe Horse too represents power, freedom and passion and is linked closely with Leadership.

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Managing Repressed or Overwhelming Anger


As we said in our last blog, we believe anger is always motivated by love. Love of ourselves or others and a desire to protect ourselves or others, or to enable ourselves or others to move forward and live a rich fulfilling life with integrity and honesty. Think for the last time you were angry — what were you wanting to protect yourself from? Or what rights were you wanting to stand up for? Or what was being blocked that you wanted to move towards?

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